Wednesday 14 November 2012

dear ty,

today is your 17th month. i almost miss it again. we don't really celebrate your monthly birthdays but im trying my best to write you a letter to remind me of your month-by-month changes.

17 months, few more months before you turn 2 but you're starting to show some "terrible two's" symptoms. although you havent learn to say "no" yet, you're quite firm in your demands. you either cry out loud until you get what you want or you push mommy toward the thing that you want. you would even grab mommy's hand to get what you want! and because i dont wanna see you cry i would usually give in to your demands. im just glad that your daddy is there to balance things out. if it wasnt for daddy, you still might be climbing the dining table but because daddy is just as firm in saying "no"when you do so, you finally stop.

but what you like doing best now is turning your toys upside down! you seem to be enjoying your toys that way. well, we usually let you do that because we know you just wanna explore.

you dont say clear words yet, but i observe how much you're trying. and im still surprise how you would sign for specific object which you dont use to know what their signs were. you also now know how to say some animal sounds such as cat, dog, sheep. you can also point some of your body parts too. honestly, just your nose. you still mix up your eyes and your ears. we'll continually work on that though. you also sing twinkle, twinkle little star especially the line "up above" although yours was ba-bove. and you stop what you doing when you hear maroon five's pay phone and sing along too. i would say that it was yours and daddy's song. you say baba when you wanna go down and even if you wanna go up. i would always correct you though to say up when you want to go up. sometimes you would say up but you still mix up the two.

there are lot of changes from the baby we brought home from the boy we now have. but i would still say that everyday you're on the age that i want you to be. i love seeing how you grow up and i just love you more and more each day.


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