Sunday, 12 April 2015

Pretend Birthday

I dont know where my toddler is getting his idea. On Monday, he randomly asked me to make a cake so He could surprise his dad when he got back from work.

Im not much of a supermom as I want to be. I honestly dont know how to bake from scratch. I thought he would forget it at the end of the day but the next day he asked me again about the surprise cake for daddy. he waited and waited until finally on Thursday, I was able to buy some ready-mix cake, instant frosting and sprinkles. Yay! 

oh what fun they had in the process of making the cake! while kuya was enjoying the mixing part, the little one just cant wait to have a taste of the cake.

i think we overdo the sprinkle. but that is just part of the fun!

unfortunately, after their hardwork, they forgot that they were making the cake for daddy and just own the cake.

Thursday, 9 April 2015

Lego Make and Take at Chapters

     Yesterday, I told Ty that we're going to a Lego activity. He actually thought that we're going to Legoland! If there's only one in our place, I wouldnt mind bringing my boys everyday. But we still need to do some flight arrangement before we could go to a Legoland park. For now, we'll settle for lego activities in our city.

     We came at exactly 11am on the venue, as posted on their website. But I was surprise with how many kids were there! I guess we should have been earlier so my boys had a better spot for storytime. Nonetheless, Ty still attentively listen to the story and was looking for his own Lego books when we got home. Unfortunately, He doesnt really have one cause we just usually borrow books from the library. As of now, we dont have at it in our library haul.

     I didnt know that we need to register the boys so they could get their activity package. Luckily, there were extras so both of my boys had their package. This is Ty's first time to make a Lego and I guess he is still young to understand the instruction but I love how his creativity came out because of this experience.

     After their individual make and take, they were divided into groups for Lego making contest. At first he ended up with a group of girls and they were not including him so i had to move him to another group. Overall, it was a fun experience for him. Im still looking for more Lego activities but so far, I havent seen one for his age group. They're usually for 6 years old and above.