Wednesday, 12 December 2012

how to encourage a reader?

i love to read books and i wish my boy will share my love with books too. but so far i can only get him to read when its about to sleep. what i like most is that he is the one who brings a book to me when its almost bedtime. i dont really know how i could encourage him to read and read.what i do is just i keep books within in his reach. and when he seems to like to read i make myself available so i could read with him too. im very much happy that there's a lot of tot books in our public library here. which enable me to do book rotations without spending. i didnt really buy much books for him coz i feel like he would just outgrown it too. but i always make sure that i borrow materials from the library for him. i actually try to join a virtual book club for kids but i just cant come up with good activities. maybe i could try to put that on my new year's resolution for the new year to come soon. we'll see how i can encourage him to read. how about you? how do you encourage your kids to read?