as a first time mom, i get overwhelmed with all the things you can teach your child in an early age. things such as sign language, reading, sleep training, toilet training vs toilet learning, montessori from the start and so much more! i should have introduce this earlier to T! but i wasnt able to do so because we were pre-occupied in migrating to a new country and settling in.
i feel like i am so behind on introducing T to all this stuff. in some point im
being hard on myself and hope i wasnt being hard on him. but now that we're more settled in our new country and tiny apartment i feel like we're more ready to learn. i promise to take it slow, one baby step at a time.
one thing that we're trying to be consistent with is the sign language. I was inspired by a friend's daughter, about the same age with ty, who can communicate her needs through signing. The mom said that they introduced their baby during her early months and she started signing back
after about a month or so. now, i can also hear some phonics as she sign!

i still keep on trying to exposed him to signing even if he doesnt sign back. i believe that repetition is a key to learning. besides, im loving the songs from the dvd. surely, i'll try to teach signing to my next baby in an earlier age.